It's me!


Hey, hi, hello!

I'm Lauren! Welcome to Loz & Co!

Loz is a cheeky nickname I coined while studying abroad in Australia for the better half of my early twenties and, well, I guess it stuck. The realities of recent change in my life have propelled me to get back to my art and to share that expression with the world.

I love the sentiment of nicknames and the feelings they provoke. Nicknames link us to people and places that mean the most to us. For some, they represent adolescence or things we’ve outgrown. For others, they are avenues of self exploration. Nicknames follow us into spaces where we are known, where we are found.

My favorite art does much the same, it disarms and invites.

Through the stories I share on this platform, my desire is that you would feel called by name—art that finds true meaning in its observer. Each piece carries the unique experiences and stories of its writer. And in that richness, it becomes something more: “a collaborative effort toward meaningful expression”.

X Loz