Hi darling,
Unfortunately Justin Bieber is married and a father now, but clogs are coming back AW24, so I guess we were ahead of the times on that front. We are 23 now; I think you’d be really really proud. We got out of that sleepy little Midwest town you always kinda hated and we’ve seen more of the world than you ever knew existed. We moved to Australia and lived on our own for nearly five years, establishing a whole life.
You’ve gotten to meet so many new people and you have the best, coolest friends. We’ve lived in 3 different apartments. I think you would’ve really liked the last one, it was just 5 minutes from the beach and had the cutest little kitchen. You didn’t end up living in a van as a nomad, but that’s for the best. Your first kiss was to the song Green Eyes. You didn’t marry your first love and you’ve healed from heartbreak a couple times now. You’ve worked at cute cafes and know how to pour a pretty latte. You live with Mom and Dad in Florida, only 30 minutes away from Disney World. I know, right? You’ve tried different things and continue to take risks with your fashion. Your hair is still blonde and short. You’ve had your nose pierced a few times, but no tattoos yet. You don’t really listen to Taylor Swift anymore, but she’s all the rage. Your craving for independence and the ‘only child’ spunk never left. However, it has gotten you into some interesting situations. You’re not an actor or a fashion designer, but you never stopped writing. Last month, you graduated college with a Bachelors degree in Theology and you still love Jesus very much. You’re learning to not hold onto plans so tightly and instead you are coming alive to new possibilities. You are starting something fun and you have time and space to be creative.
I’m doing the best I can to hold you tight and to take care of you. You’re so brave and your dreams are worth fighting for. No matter how much you accomplish, you are worthy. Don’t do things to prove others wrong or right. Never let someone make you feel bad for how much you care about everything. Your sensitive heart and discerning spirit is a special and unique part of you; it helps you see beneath the surface and notice the things many people might not. Don’t let it make you afraid or hold you back; it is something to embrace. Floss and stop straightening your wavy hair everyday, it’s beautiful. It’s okay to put yourself out there and to open your heart. Someone’s inability to see your worth, doesn’t make you any less valuable. Your story is worth telling and one day we’ll write a book. Until then, ride your bike around the neighborhood one more time for me.
I love you! X LOZ
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